Hi! I’m Meghan (she/her)
I’m a Ritual Witch & Experience Creator.
Let’s circle up & co-create some ritual magic.
I combine my eclectic training in energy medicine, transformational coaching, yoga, & permaculture with my life's study of creative expression, ritual arts, & land stewardship into offerings that support people in reclaiming their intuitive wisdom so they can actualize their visions & dreams.
I also help people & organizations create transformational AND regenerative events.
I'm not here to turn you into a Witch.
I am here to share the teachings of the witch archetype so you can become more YOU.
Publicly identifying as a Witch is part of my ritual of showing up as more of me.
It was 2009 & I was reading Starhawk’s The Earth Path.
My life changed when I got halfway down page 7:
“To be a Witch (a practitioner of the Old Religion of the Goddess) or a Pagan (someone who practices an earth-based spiritual tradition) is more than adopting a new set of terms & customs & a wardrobe of flowing gowns. It is to enter a different universe, a world that is alive & dynamic, where everything is part of an interconnected whole, where everything is always speaking to us, if only we have ears to listen.
A Witch must not only be familiar with the mystic planes of existence beyond the physical realm; [they] should also be familiar with the trees & plants & birds & animals of [their] own backyard, be able to name them, know their uses & habits & what part each plays in the whole.
[They] should understand not just the symbolic aspects of the moon’s cycle, but the real functioning of the earth’s waters & mineral & energy cycles. [They] should know the importance of ritual in building human community, but also understand the function of mycorrhizal fungi & soil microorganisms in the natural community in which human community is embedded.”
Reading that passage for the first time produced a feeling deep in my bones–an experience of knowing, remembering, & reclaiming.
A feeling I still get.
Up until that moment in 2009, I didn’t understand all the directions I’d taken in my life.
Yet when I read Starhawk’s definition of a Witch I knew I had found my path.
Since 2009 I’ve identified as a Witch & practiced embodying the witch archetype.
All behind closed doors.
Until now.
The time of the Dark Goddess is over. We are coming out of hiding. We are reclaiming our power–from–within. We are healing ourselves so we can heal our relationship with the Land.
I invite you to join me.
I believe in a collective future…
…where we are all in deep relationship with the Land.
A future where we all honor each aspect of Nature as an aspect of Self. Where we receive the teachings & wisdom of Nature as gifts for our remembering, unlearning, & reclaiming.
…where we listen to our intuition.
A future where we trust our decisions so greatly we feel equipped to dismantle systems of oppression. Where our decisions on what we wear, who we fuck, or how we devote our life are all honored as rightful choices.
...where we live within the rhythms of Nature.
A future where everyone develops a personal practice with the seasons, the time of day, & the Lunar Phases, as well as the rhythms within us.
...where we honor our body.
A future where we develop a relationship with our intuitive body so that we may nourish our deepest desires.
...where we slow down.
A future where every moment is not filled with a task. A future where watching clouds is just as honored as crossing things off the never ending to-do list.
…where we honor our lineage.
A future where our lived experience, gained wisdom, & our unlearning, are all sacred to our practice.
I name my social location as a way to share how I experience the world.
I’m a white, cisgender woman. I’m college-educated, a US born citizen, & English is my 1st language. I was raised in a low/middle class household.
I’m queer & married to a cis man. We own a home & a vehicle.
I experience chronic pain & I am able-bodied. I also experience age, beauty, & body privilege.
When I name my unearned privilege, I begin the work of dismantling the oppressive systems that have allowed me to benefit from these unearned advantages.
When I name my hidden identities I acknowledge my privilege in my ability to hide.
h/t Tristan Katz for inspiring me to name my social location.
Personal Lineage aka What Got Me Here
Below is a snapshot of my path, intended to give you an idea of where I’m coming from & how I show up in the world.
There are more teachers, helpers, healers, & guides (& many, many books) who have supported me along the way. I offer my thanks & gratitude to each & every one of them.
As my unlearning reveals, I now understand that some of my teachers & student experiences are problematic. Instead of erasing my past, I acknowledge the cultural appropriation, spiritual bypassing, & my contribution to white-bodied supremacy.
I commit to my continued unlearning. I practice doing better.
1980’s Experience childhood on the lands of the Santiam, Kalapuya, Clackamas, Stl’pulmsh (Cowlitz), & Atfalati people. Begin my deep relationship & stewardship with this magical land.
1990’s Organize & facilitate sacred weekend retreats with my teenage peers.
One of the many sacred weekend retreats with my teenage peers.
2002-2005 Hitchhike the States & Canada. Live out of a backpack & sell hemp macramé.
2003 Volunteer at first festival & begin co-creating transformational, immersive experiences.
2005-2006 Study with Jan Engles-Smith, founder of LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism & Energy Medicine. Complete Levels 1 & 2, plus an intensive 4-day Telepathic Practicum on the banks of the Trask River. Begin circle casting & journey practice.
Getting picked up after 4 days of solo deep reflection in the woods.
2006 Begin the practice & study of yoga. Continual gratitude to teachers Kelly Sunrose, Suniti Dernovsek, & Alison Alstrom. Attend Burning Man for the 1st time.
2007 Get onto the pottery wheel. Fall in love with this creative practice.
2009 Study experiential education at Prescott College. Dive into the teachings of Starhawk & Reclaiming tradition with Chandra Liz Faller. Participate in first Moon circle. Facilitate first group ritual.
2010 Complete 5-month internship in Ireland & Mongolia at a Tibetan Buddhist Centre. Learn tarot from an Irish crone. Begin meditation practice.
In the middle of the Gobi Desert.
2012 Complete 72-hour Permaculture Institute’s Permaculture Design Course with lead teacher Toby Hemenway. Realize permaculture isn’t just about gardening – it’s about everything.
2014 Complete 200-hour Yoga Alliance Teacher Training in Expressive Healing Arts with Uma [Ashleigh Sergeant] & Sofiah Thom. Find my voice as a teacher. Devote myself to the teachings of the Moon around a Kali fire.
The Kali fire where I dedicated myself to the teachings of the Moon.
2015 Begin to consistently facilitate group Moon circles, ceremonies, gatherings, & rituals.
2019 Graduate from Awaken Your Life, a 200-hour Accredited Diploma Coach Training by the Association for Coaching (ACDT) & strengthen skills of asking powerful questions & deep listening. Develop daily tarot practice (almost 10 years later).
2020 Emerge from the broom closet & publicly reclaim the title of Witch. Complete 10-month Awaken Your Practice Business Immersion with Andrea Leda.
2020-2022 Train with Starhawk virtually during the lockdown! Magical Activism 2020-2022, Ritual Skills 2022, & Intro to Permaculture with Earth Activist Training 2020.
2021 Enroll into Kelly Diels yearlong+ Copywriting for Culture Makers Certification Program (fka Feminist Copywriting Certificate Program). Complete in 2023.
Blissed after a winter swim in the Salish Sea.
2022 Begin Somatic Abolitionism journey with Dr. Resmaa Menakem.
2023 Start the intentional deepening of my business with Jessica Lackey.
2024 Return to the teachings of Caliban & The Witch (15 years later) under the guidance of Megan Leatherman’s Eating Capitalism.
Today I meet YOU.
Thanks to Hilary Foreman for the brilliant black & white image in the header.