The Art of Discernment: an intuitive ritual practice
Last week I wrote how being with the question "What if....?" has created some awesome new actions in my life.
Reflecting more deeply, I've also noticed that excess "What if...?" can cause negative effects, primarily overthinking & getting stuck.
I'm a questioner - a seeker of answers & truths. This path delights me to no end. I love philosophical conversations that stretch into the dawn hours, twisting & turning, uncovering new ideas & forgotten wisdom.
At the same time, sometimes I just need to DO THE THING & not question the Why, How, & What if?
So I practice the ritual of discernment:
When is the moment for exploring the "What if...?"
When is the moment to DO & think about it later?
What if… sparkles came out of my chest? [photo by Brenden Jaffer, 2014]
Although I was familiar with the concept of discernment, it wasn't until my 200-hour Expressive Healing Arts teacher training with Uma Sergeant & Sofiah Thom in 2014 that I began my ritual practice in the Art of Discernment.
Discernment -to me- means trusting our choice & creating deliberate action.
My intentional discernment practice has evolved over the years, yet the core essence has always been deepening the relationship with my intuition.
My intuition is what supports me in discerning whether "What if...?" is a nourishing exploration or a distraction that is feeding my fear.
Listening to my intuition is a practice in trust.
Trusting that my body knows the truth & that I can trust my body.
For me, intuition is an embodied experience.
I feel it in my gut & I know it in my bones.
I didn’t always understand the connection between my body & my intuition.
I can state this only from years of practice, observing, & noticing.
Circling around the Kali ritual fire at my 200-hour Expressive Healing Arts teacher training [photo by Brenden Jaffer, 2014]
Perhaps you have no relationship with your intuition.
Perhaps you have a deep relationship.
Neither is better or worse.
We're all at different mileposts along our intuitive path.
The practice is staying on our desired path.
Wherever you are along your intuitive path, I believe in your truth & I'm so excited to see how you share it with the world.
Grab your journal & explore the below prompts.
If you can't think of what to write, just keep writing the prompt over & over until other words appear.
As always, take what you need & compost the rest.
How do I experience my intuition? How do I not experience my intuition?
How do I know when I don't listen to my intuition? How do I know when I do listen to my intuition?
If I listened to my intuition right now, what would be different about the rest of my day?