Why do you do what you do?
I like to ask, "Why?"
Lately I've been asking myself Why? in relation to my Moon practice. Why is it important to me? Why do I do it? Why does it work for me?
The consistent rhythm the Lunar Phases provide me is big reason Why.
In this interesting Covid time we’re all experiencing, I'm really leaning into the predictability of the Moon. Life feels really fucking strange right now, but ya know what? The Moon is still cycling to full, to new, & back to full again.
This remembrance helps me to ground & breathe deep into my belly.
Tomorrow is First Quarter Moon, the halfway point between New & Full.
On New Moon I ask myself: What is my intention for the month?
By First Quarter I've had a week of noticing how my intention shows up in my life. I'm uncovering my resistances & my stories. I'm also realizing the ways in which I can embody my intention.
These First Quarter awarenesses will inform my Full Moon ritual, typically a symbolic act representing my willingness to create space for my growing intention.
Then the pattern continues. Full Moon celebration. Dark Moon contemplation. New Moon intentions. Again, I'll practice with the cycling phases.
This practice is not because I'm broken & I need to find something to fix each month. I'm not broken & neither are you.
I follow a Moon practice because I find it interesting.
It's interesting to discover new things about myself. It's interesting to learn how I can more fully show up in the world. It's also interesting to see what happens when I dedicate myself to a contemplative practice.
Why do you do what you do?
I invite you to grab your journal & explore the below prompts:
Which actions in my life nourish me the most?
Which actions nourish me the least?
Of the actions that nourish me, how can I increase the frequency of these actions?
The least nourishing actions - how can I reduce the frequency? If reducing is not an option, how can I adjust my relationship to the action?
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