Visions of Rest

What is your vision of rest?

For you, does resting mean closing your eyes & getting your body horizontal? Perhaps your resting is a vigorous āsana practice? Or maybe resting is when you have a self-love session?

If you don’t know what resting is for you, that’s OK! Our dominator culture stopped prioritizing the importance of rest once we “out grew” nap time. We didn’t get to learn what resting is for us individually, instead we learned how to ignore the desire for rest & push on through.

Recently I got the message:

When we rest, we receive visions.

This message is in direct opposition to what the white cisnormative capitalist patriarchy trained me to believe – that I can only get results if I push on through.

Push on through the mental exhaustion, physical pain, & boundary after boundary.


Now I’m unlearning this burnout-producing belief & instead carving out time for intentional rest.

I have a post-it that reminds me daily: When we rest, we receive visions.

What is possible if we all believe we are worthy of rest? What visions could be received? What challenges could be undone? What inspirations could be found?

I invite you to take a moment–this moment right now!–to make a list of what intentional rest could look &/or feel like for you. Then pick 1 thing off your list, write yourself a permission slip to follow through on that rest, & post it somewhere you’ll see everyday.

Here’s my permission slip for you: Go easy on yourself!! This is deep work. Even if you just look at your permission slip without actually taking the rest, you’re on the right track. Bit by bit, my friend.

h/t Riane Eisler for naming dominator culture

Written by Meghan (she/her) Bursiek

Meghan is a Ritual Witch & Experience Creator. Intentional systems & containers are her magic. She supports people & organizations with integrating ritual into life, work, & personal practice without it becoming just another thing on the to-do list. Depending on the Moon phase, Meghan sends a ritual email like you just read. Subscribe to receive Witchy Wednesdays: your ritual email (& thank you!)


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