What is your Full Moon question?
The Full Moon helps us to see what is happening in the depths of the night, a time & space that is usually hidden from us.
As a Witch, I take it further: If the Full Moon helps us to literally see what we cannot normally see, then it can also help us to metaphorically see what we cannot normally “see.”
Below is a Full Moon Ritual based upon my Phases of Ritual Framework that is designed to support you in engaging with the energy of the Full Moon so you can symbolically shine some moonlight onto where you currently only “see” dark.
Have fun & remember: You can’t do this wrong.
Full Moon Ritual
May this Full Moon Ritual support you in accessing the powerful wisdom that lies deep within you.
After you complete your ritual, be open to receive in the following days.
Notice what changes; notice what doesn’t.
First identify your intention for this ritual.
This ritual is designed to support you in finding answers, so what is your question?
Some prompts to support you in uncovering your intention:
What decisions have I been avoiding?
What questions am I currently exploring?
Where in my life, work, &/or personal practice do I crave some magickal support?
Craft a question that you want to explore with the Full Moon & write it on a piece of paper.
Once you are able to clearly state your intention question, take some time to ground into the present moment, your body, senses, & surroundings.
This could be expressed & practiced in many different ways: movement, stillness, breathwork, divination, etc, etc.
Trust what your body desires & what you intuitively know will support you with dropping into the sacred vibe. Try something that doesn’t work.
Music helps me to ground into the ritual vibe. Check out my Spotify playlist HERE.
Circle Casting
Intentionally create a sacred space for yourself.
Maybe you build an altar.
Maybe you call in your helpers, healers, guides, & ancestors.
Maybe you do something totally unique to you.
Do whatever you need to do to feel like you are “entering” into a ritual container that feels nourishing, protective, & witchy as F.
Now to engage with the Full Moon so you can explore your intention question.
Embody your question: Feel it in your toes. Hold it in your heart. Say it out loud.
Then, engage with the Full Moon while you embody your question.
Just like Grounding, this could be completed in a variety of ways.
To get you going, below are some ideas on how you can ask the Full Moon your intention question:
have a convo
enter trance state & “visit”
intuitively collage, paint, doodle, &/or draw
move, dance, hula hoop
However you engage with the Full Moon is awesome.
There is no right/wrong way. #YouDoYou
While you are embodying your question & engaging with the Full Moon, your practice is TRUST.
Trust you’ll remember what needs to be remembered
Trust you’ll notice what needs to be noticed
Trust you’ll receive an answer
Trust it’s ok if it feels silly or like nothing is happening
Trust that if you fall asleep that is your medicine
Trust that there is a message for you in whatever comes to your mind (even if it’s a shopping list or a random song)
Trust you’ll be able to discern what you create & receive
Trust in the process
When you feel complete, journal or otherwise process your experience & record the wisdom you have uncovered, discovered, &/or reclaimed.
As you conclude your time engaging with the Full Moon, ask what you can offer as an expression of your thanks & gratitude.
This is an important phase.
Nature works in collaborative relationship.
As we too are Nature, we give thanks for what we receive – even & especially when it’s not what we expected or “wanted.” (Trust in the process.)
Intentionally, & symbolically, end your ritual time.
Identify what you will do with any tools you’ve used or things you’ve created.
If the Full Moon asked you to complete an action: Make a note or do whatever you need to do to remind yourself. Then do it!
Open the circle you cast. If you think of your circle casting as magically turning on a light, what do you need to do to turn off the lights?
Come back into this present moment:
Drink water to remind yourself you are whole
Eat a snack to remind you of your body
Gently tap your body or shake-it-out to remind yourself you have a body in this physical space
Go forth & be merry! So mote it be!
May this ritual be for the benefit of all Beings.